Table of Contents
Episode: 397
Airdate: Nov 30, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Season Ten, here we go!
NOTE: This should was originally titled “Ten year anniversary” but actually is the nine-year anniversary show - it's the start of season ten!
- left Ferret @ 35:30
- horse @ 2:56:00
- Tumbleweed (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- First regular show since Episode 3 to not use some form of “Soul Bossa Nova” as opening theme song.
- Debut of new opening credits featuring Brian Reynolds's artwork and 2 the Ranting Gryphon's “Pawpet Song”
- There is again a logo up on the back of the stage.
- Yappy Fox calls the new intro “temporary”… yet as of October 2011 it still is in effect, unchanged.
- Arthur's legs are broken… or at least they look that way and stage hands have fun with the fact!
- Simba is introduced to MCHawkin
- Yappy Fox presents the stream in the stream…
- Carrot gets beebled!
- Yappy Fox tests the bass… and tweeters!
- Acid Flashback: The 2000 Beatles Stars on 45 video show
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets as a 60s musical group
Videos shown
- Music Video: title @ 9:45
- Music Video: title @ 22:00
- Music Video: title @ 24:30 - Devo
- Music Video: Nothing compares to you
- Music Video: Call Me
- Music Video: California Dreaming
- Music Video: Cartoon heros
- Music Video: title @ 53:30
- Music Video: Don't let me get me
- Music Video: Holly Dolly sings “Don't worry be happy”
- Music Video: Self control
- “How to: Ru(i)n your own business” - Atkelar
- The new intro
"Last Words"
- Hugh: “Mooooooooooooo!”
episodes/episode_397.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by