Table of Contents
Episode: 398
Airdate: Dec 07, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Take Me To Bucktown
- Dex (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- KuddlePup is out sick.
- Audrey says that “..Yappy can lick my furry butt-cheek!” and isn't prepared for him actually doing it!
- Bucktown Tiger plays plays the piano live! - including a Rick-Roll
- Lilly Voop explains some musical terms to us…
- Dex unscrews his head and goes headless… completely.
- Yappy Fox has connection problems on his Mac. However the Mac tells him “Your internet connection appears to be online.”
- While Yappy Fox tries to fix the stream, there are many Mac vs. PC vs. Linux comments flying around.
- Magic with Dex!
- Spits or swallows: Miracle Berry Fruit Tablets
- Garrison redraws the logo for the Peckers
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Peckers take over
Video shown
- Intro by Tigron
- McDonalds vs. Burger King (Black Lab taste test)
- Last time in Clerkenwell
- Foxy Bingo commercial
- Cadbury's Caramel commercial
- Smiths Crisps commercial
- “Garbage Pail Kids” intro ?
- Country Life english butter commercial
???? @ 2:45:00
- Pawpet Music Video:
title/player @ 2:47:00
animated commercial @ 2:48:30
animation @ 2:50:00
- Lifetime achievement awards for George Lucas, introdution by William Shatner who “sings” to George Lucas
"Last Actions"
- Jess, Liesl, and Crystal bounce and sing the closing song
- YinYang sighs
episodes/episode_398.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by