Table of Contents
Episode: 387
Airdate: Sep 14, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Back from Eurofurnece 14
Lama @ 50:20
- Ghali
- Nova (Subservient)
- Duncan the Dog (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The show gets started up again… batteries need replacing, cobwebs need dusting…
- Yappy Fox brings back an interesting “6-Euro coin”…
- …and liquer bottles
- Johnny Mantis makes his first appearance, out of a box with various new puppets…
- The cast discusses “Toilets in Europe”…
- …driving on the Autobahn…
- …navigational systems…
- Ghali presents “quaga mix”!
- Shout-outs all over the world! …to porn music!
- Cheetah (the EF chairman) is in channel and gets poked for a faster release the EF pawpet show on DVD - counting a total of 1339 “pokes”.
- The cast discusses German food options in the US and at EF, including the famous “Crazy Horse”
- Price increase at the gas station…
- Bawk and The Peckers perform “Bach”…
- Duncan is dead after playing with Bandit!
- Poink doesn't want to sign his contract for the next season and Lilly Voop is furious because she doesn't even have a contract…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Currywurst (with fries)
Videos shown
- Adam (Mythbusters) shows off sulfur hexafluoride
- Excerpt from “Dreancatchers”, the Eurofurence pawpet show of 2008
- Music video:
title @ 2:28:30
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Bawk “BAWK!”
episodes/episode_387.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by