Table of Contents
Telethon 2013
The telethon 2013 episode was Episode 609.
Total Raised: $8,054.00 (preliminary amount)
Alain D | Alex P | Alterflane | Andres J |
Atkelar | Atte V | BlackFootFerret | Bucktown Tiger |
BungeeSkunk | Campion | Captroo | Christopher B |
Christopher H | Cirrus | Colin Foxtail | Coolsilver |
Cosmik | Crassie | Dave H | David G |
Disturbia Wolf | Drache | Dragonhead | Draya Blackfur |
EclairTalon | Edward L | Elise R | Era |
Eric C | FillyJonk | Four Paws Music | Fur_Demon_Lar |
GlacierWolf | HammerWolf | HenryK9 | HonestBoris |
Ian C | Ian J | IronFur | James P |
Jason C | Jason K | Jedders | Jerzei Collie |
John Wallaby | Johnny Blanco | Kael_Corgi | KalaallitAmaroq |
Kathmanddu | KipchaMamoru | Liang N | LolCakes |
LordTallstoy | Lucas Bunny | Lunden | Malaika |
Mangler | Marig | Matthew H | Maverique |
Mephitis | Michael M | MPW-Michael | Mr. Slightly Blind |
Nall | Nicholas H | NotFish | Odakota_Coon |
p_b1999 | Pauza | Prof_Sponge | Raventail |
Rednic Silversaber | Reokurosai | Rhino Fox | Robert T |
Rocket Corgi | Romeo Rabbit | Scorch | Sibur Lupus |
Ski Sharp | Skirtandzy | Sparky BlueFox | Steelwolf |
Stephen G | Stephen G | Steven K | Stratosfear Tully |
T-Chall | Tony Ringtail | TwistedNinja | VoidKat |
WarDogCompany | Widor Fox | Wild Bill TX | Wolfcat_ca |
Woyro | Xavious Wolfe | Zoy H |
Telethon 2013 - Auction Items
items listed in order of announcement, not numerical
- #1 Calligraphy from KuddlePup - $43, Campion
- #2 Megaplex Shirt from KuddlePup - $100, JohnWallaby
- #3 Lot #3: Converntion books - $125, Malaika
- #4 Lot #4: Books - $95, Mephitis
- #5 Lot #5: FPS stuff 1 - $70, KipchaMamoru
- #6 Lot #6: XXX-Stuff - $200, Malaika
- #7 Lot #7: FurCon Stuff - $230, Nall
- #8 Lot #8: Artists Portfolios (Adults only!) - $215, LolCakes
- #9 Lot #9: Pawpet DVD collection - $230, RyanFox
- #10 Lot #10: Comics and books - $100, Campion
- #11 Lot #11: FPS stuff 2 - $145, Skirtandzy
- #12 Lot #12: Tiger Paws - $175, Malaika
- #13 Lot #13: Posters - $185, Crassie
- #14 Lot #14: Comics (Adults only!)
- #15 Lot #15: Comics - $145, wolfcat_ca
- #16 Herbie drawing (Sketch only, NO COLOR!) - $170, Lunden
Lot #3: Convention books
- Furfright (
- Anthrocon 1999, 2002 (2*), 2003, 2004,
- Mephit FurMeet 1999, 2000
- FurtherConfusion 2000 (
Lot #4: Books
- Those celebraty mascot: 7th, 8th, 9th
- Kevin and Kell collections: Boothbunny, Election night fever, seen anything unusual, The quest for content
- The Desert Cookbook: Sweet treats - illustrated by
- Who pooped in the park?
- Fluffy and Baron
- Bumper stickers (FPS)
- Amputee Mr. Clean
Lot #5: FPS stuff 1
- Doggy Doo
- DVD:
title?… Transfusion: the zombie movie with KP, JR, Herbie - signed
- Hopster's T-Shirt
- Thunder Buddies (from the movie Ted) T-Shirt
- Chickan and Fries 2012 - T-Shirt
- Furmaggedon 2012 - T-Shirt
- FPS-Truck
- UPS-Truck
Lot #6: XXX-Stuff
- Associated Student Bodies: Issues #1 and #7
- Associated Student Bodies: Calendars 1998, 1999
- Associated Student Bodies: Custom art collection
missed quite some titles…
- Prince of Fur #7
- The Ocelot
- New Horizons
- Wild Kingdom #8
- Bumper stickers (added during the auction)
Lot #7: FurCon Stuff
- Furnandos dog bowl (2013)
- AnthroCon badges (#36 2013, #6 2011)
- Video - Furfright 2007
- Hopster's Tracks #1, #2 (autographed)
- Conbook: EuroFurence 14, EuroFurence 13
- Albedo Comics (Issue #0)
- Conbook: Midwest Furfest 2007
- Conbook: AnthroCon 2007
- EuroFurence 14: Seat Reserved for Herbie :3
- MFM Fursuiter poster
- 2 Bumper Stickers
Lot #8: Artists Portfolios (Adults only!)
- Catmandu - Issues: 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
- Terry Smith -
- Sashay
- Furkinde
- Yay Furrly
- Michelle Light - Swimsuit Edition
- Ladies of Extinsioners #2
- Terry Smith and Michelle Light - Cats and Dogs
- EWS: An evening at home
- Sport Portfolio
- Super-Floofy
- Stamping out Terrorism
- Cooner: Serious Fitness
Lot #9: Pawpet DVD collection
- Sign: Puppets by Folkmanis
- Zero
- Cartoon Craze
- Kimba
- Herbie the Stinkbug
- Dynamite
- Smoochie
- Predator
- Monoke
- Mysteries
- Corpse Bride
- Planet of the apes
- Secret of the furious five
Missed a few.
- MLP: Yappy, Hugh, Mutt, Blitz, Todd - as seen in Episode 543
- Desk ornaments
Lot #10: Comics and books
- JackRabbit's standup comedy DVD (2010)
- The History of Farting (Book)
- Lorence Welk (Book)
- A very scary solstice (Book)
- Don't touch me (Book)
- An even scarier solstice (Book)
- Extinctioners: Issues #1, #2, #4, #7, #9
- All five volumes of The walking mage (Books)
- Some trading cards: Sorcerers of the magic kingdom
Lot #11: FPS stuff 2
- Megaplex drinking glasses (2012, 2013)
- Acrylics by Blitz
- 1960 Impala
- Performer tags 2011, 2012, 2013
- Megaplex achievement
- Finger-puppets
- Mascot Handbook
- The head massager
Lot #12: Tiger Paws
- four tiger paw cups
- MLP character prints
- 2 Bumper Stickers
- Ram Rocket
- Cuddly Bear
- Chuck E Cheese pillow
Lot #13: Posters
- Furloween 13 Doorsign
- Poster: Megaplex needs heroes
- Poster: Prometheus
- Poster: MIIB
- Poster: Ice age II
- Poster: The three Stooges
- Poster: The Pirates
- Poster: Skyfall
- Poster: Spiderman (the untold story?)
- Poster: FWA
Lot #14: Comics (Adults only!)
- New Horizons
- Tales of the morphing period
- Tales of the fennec
- Guardian knights
- Ride the magic carpet
missed some
- Various fanzines (dating back to 1992…)
Lot #15: Comics
- Wild Frontier 1-3
- Sabrina Online 1, 2
Wildlife 7,8,10
- Furlough
- Havoc Inc. (several issues)
missed the exact marvel titles
- 2 Bumper stickers
External (audience) auctions and offers
None were reported during the show ( if there are/were some, please update here or tell Atkelar in IRC)
telethon.2013.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/09 05:51 by