Table of Contents
Episode: 870
Airdate: Jul 10, 2022 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Dittos visit
- Coastr 2)
- Sisu 3)
- Campyun 4)
- Shortcake21 5)
- Chenall 6)
- Fred_Bedderhead 7)
- PuddyPanda 8)
- SteelClaw_fox 9)
- FlyntTheCorgi 10)
- Batman223344556677 11)
- Ajax_Wolfaroo 12)
- bungeeskunk 13)
- Thea-FX 14)
- Fritero 15)
- ooxy 16)
- ThatEvilPotato 17)
- Reo Grayfox 18)
- CCritt93 19)
- WheelieHusky 20)
- SevenTheWolf 21)
- ozlo_fox 22)
- Wiselight7 23)
- GRNdragon 24)
- FurlesqueFae00 25)
- Fooma 26)
- Loreck1 27)
- Glockberg 28)
- RC-Bif 29)
- scubapilot 30)
- Mad_Mask 31)
- AnthroFurry 32)
- The Ploopster 33)
- rebooo 34)
- AzureLupine 35)
- Zalno 36)
- Shadow-D-Husky 37)
- Rhinowolf 38)
- BreakTargets 39)
- Dozingkat 40)
- verymarrymangos 41)
- awesty 42)
- TheGuidingLight 43)
- Yarrick 44)
- Sibir Lupus 45)
- Boots! 46)
- LambdaCat 47)
- Baloobear86 48)
- Lazy 49)
- TisonTheKasa 50)
- Lionel_toy 51)
- Hacksaw Dog 52)
- Teknoh 53)
- Shymatsi 54)
- cyotek 55)
- jhak 56)
- Dr. Infinity 57)
- Reyess126 58)
Show Highlights
- While the show was on break, Atkelar almost broke his back
- Toxxies bowel-movements gets scrutinized
- ScorchGreenDragon sent in an assortment of things to the show
- Today is the K-mom's 80th birthday
- Yappy is dog sitting a dog called Ditto 59)
- KP injured his foot at Anthrocon and missed the block party, there's pictures
- Toxxie didn't finish his antibiotics and got really sick (again)
- No luck for Toxxie he's been both stabbed, and shot - twice
- Yappy shows pictures of one of his fursuits
- Toxxie gets Bonked, a lot
- There's more free time in Yappys calendar, maybe Eurofurence could be a thing
- PuddyPanda does “Never Have I Ever - dating edition” with the Chaos Lounge
- KP was busy talking with ALL the press at Anthrocon, new record of active press badges
- Atkelar tells about a customer that once wanted a color fax
- Simba and Atkelar tests singing on zoom
- Anthrocon talk
- What bodily hair would you wish didn't exist?
- “Where do you stand?” with the Chaos Lounge
- A look at the art on the walls of the Chaos Lounge
- Toxxie and Good Toxxie meets face to face
- Yappy finds some old sound-FX on the replay, but what use did they have?
- Mutt is having repairs done on the house after a water leak
- Mutt had a tooth chip and a few dentist visits followed
- We get to see Ditto 60)
- The show goes to handheld (NDI)-cam and a backstage tour happens
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
Videos Shown
- Toxxie - Happy Birthday 61)
- Gibson - fursuit video 62)
- Star Raccoon - Star Orders A Pizza 63)
- Star Raccoon - At Home Maid Cafe (Tsundere night) 64)
- ?? - Confuzzled fursuit games 65)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Learnin' to spell with Darnell 66)
- Rocket T. Coyote - The Fox and I?? 67)
- RitualNeo - Anthrocon 2022 fursuit parade (snippet) 68)
- Atkelar - Workbench Island and Mill 69)
- ?? - contortion artist 70)
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- Good Toxxie - “I love you”
- Toxxie - “I hate you, so much”
- Good Toxxie - kisses Toxxie
00:59:07 - KP
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01:40:05 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07e8k07lzZ0
01:40:18 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icPs1kOfXco
01:59:14 - This years parade was 70 minutes long
01:15:22 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA_oc7iJncw
episodes/episode_870.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/11 05:43 by Jake