Table of Contents
Episode: 564
Airdate: Oct 07, 2012 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
SK-1 created an LJ community for the late PandaGuy: http://pandaguymemoria.livejournal.com
- BabsBunny
Show Highlights
- The show opens with a bumper video from
- Mutt doesn't quite look like himself today…
- The recent passing of PandaGuy prompts some fond memories, see also http://tjcoyote.com/writings/pandaguy/index.html.
- Bandit has a problem with all the balloons that are around… and JackRabbit popping them doesn't help.
- Yappy Fox shows pictures of Furlaxation…
- The response to bacon lube: Fish toothpaste!
- The cast goes wild as BabsBunny utters “Eh!?” - and Yappy Fox plays the Canadian national anthem.
- Blitz plays Tetris on stage
- Random channel quotes
- Yappy Fox plays “Total Eclipse of the Heart” to “Making Love Out of Nothing at All”
- Hugh Manatee sings “Total Recallin'”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Remembering PandaGuy
- Caption: rapper security?
Videos shown
- Bumper video from
- PandaGuy tribute video - SK1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bAY2s4SzTQ
- Devo video
- Firetruck going through flood
- Girl you know it's true
- Girl you know it's true - on stage fail
- Angry cat
- Husky and Baby
- Justin Bieber throws up on stage
- Ogg drives home
- Hugh sound over manatee animation
??? @ 1:45:00 - Fursuit song
- Meerkat Tales
- Party Rock Anthem video to the Star Wars Cantina Music
- MLP singing about a convention
- Music video:
weird @ 02:21:00
- Music video: Airfield - Making love out of nothing at all
- Tiger Boo
- Rapping Rooster B-Clux
- Obama Phone - original
- Obama Phont - autotuned
- Oppan Gangnam Guile
- Klingon Style
- Hey, I just met you
- I'm a Crazy Weirdo - Parry Gripp
- Sythia wants you to shut up
- It's… Friday?
- I hate this ringtone
- I'm your Boyfriend!
- Tucan Puppet
- P-P-P-Platypus!
- “The Hunger Games” - A bad lip reading
- Kicked your monkey - A bad lip reading of Somebody that I used to know
- Miniatur Wunderland commercial
- Miniatur Wunderland - Fire brigade
- Miniatur Wunderland - Airport
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Brunhilda “Crack is whack!”
episodes/episode_564.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by