Table of Contents
Episode: 507
Airdate: Jun 05, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Fox in Socks on the 80s
- Dusty Dawg (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The show has a new 'ding' moment just five minutes in
- Todd reads the story of Blitz…
- Fred Bedderhead's weird stuff of the week
- Story time with Brunhilda: “My lucky day”, “Fox in socks”
- Ezra gives us example questions from “Dirty Minds”
- Yappy Fox reads “the worst songs to make love to” found here...
Videos shown
- Balls + Window fail
- Carnival swing ride crash
- Bleekie at in-and-out burger
- Weird animations to 8bit music
- Ghostbusters action figures from thatguywiththeglasses.com
- Superheros takeover by Disney
- Manhunt report… with laughing reporter
- Nyan-Cat
- Animated Tootsie Roll commercial
- Music Video: Nothing from Nothing
- Music Video: ???
- Animated Cheerios commercial
- Music Video: Rush (CGI)
- Woman falling on subway rails
- Billy Preston without beard and 'fro
- Music Video: I'm too sexy
- Randy Crawford then and now
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “…call you Blitz-Ugly-Pants”
a.k.a Blitz
episodes/episode_507.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by