Table of Contents
Episode: 329
Airdate: Apr 15, 2007 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Showing shows that were even creepier than ours!
- Foxwell (Subservient)
- Ford Shepard
- Jack
Show Highlights
- Simba has an allergic reaction
- Subservient Java!
- Eagle Beagle does the roll call in close-up
- Yappy Fox issues a “pimp the pawpet site” challange
- Arthur is surprised that nobody remembers IDDQD or similar codes…
- Space Academy discussion - resulting in more chuckles than the original airing of that show
- The letter people…
- We hear that “Gummy Bears” is the most gay cartoon ever
- Pink Flamingo challange
- The Pumpkin-Nuts story is told
- The guests are subjected to Mrs. Miller
- Ezra hangs himself as the cast tries to find the worst singer of all times
- Poink gets a camera and films Eagle Beagle angry face
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Dog about to catch a ball, looking incredibly weird doing so…
- Pawpets and home remodelling
Videos shown
- Juggling extreme
- Dog on a roof
- Upside down show ad
- FMV Explosion - Various fusruit impressions (MFF 2006) + Robin Hood + Ghost Warrior + Road Rovers + SWAT Kats + Southpark + ??? clips
- The letter people… “Tall Mr. T”
- Singing Spoon
- Outer Scope 1 - creepy puppet show…
- ShowBiz - A guide for your walk-around character (Chick E. Cheese - sort of a “video owners manual”)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “PUMPKINNUTS!!!”
episodes/episode_329.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by