Table of Contents
Episode: 236
Airdate: Jan 09, 2005 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Cereal and childhood memories
Show Highlights
- Ezra talks about going to California for FC next week
- Poink broke his glasses and had to use his sunglasses all day
- Simba talks about trying to leave New York…
- …which leads to a discusseion about the pronounciation of “Housten”
- Rummage tells us about how two wrongs can make a right with Apple's tech support
- Poink brings in his old band-mic and it is loud… “I can hear my fillings…”
- We hear lots of interesting stories about Yappy Fox's childhood… and how his siblings learned to hate him. Involving lots of electrical stuff.
- The cast discusses cereals
- Ezra brings up the subject of water… bottled or tap?
- Yurex calls in and talks about New York water quality
- Rasvar mentions that the best time to visit New Orleans is “after a great flood”…
- Yappy Fox got a dinner invitation from Sibe?
(name unclear in audio)
- Crappy Doo talka about Condoms
- A box of Hutt-Os cereal is added to the JR the Hutt picture.
- Crappy Doo appears with a tele tubby hood - to use as a full body condom
- Herbie brings up booger-talk…
- Poodles exercising break Crappy Doo
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Coca Cola bear and RL ice bear
- Pawpet Inventions (Poink then adds the challenge to shove “Bzoink” in there)
Videos shown
- Strongbad - virus
song title (ca. @ 3:04 - C.J. Adams, furrytv.com)
- Poodle Aerobics
- Cereal and Milk
- Apache (with Daft Punk)
Ass beating hour
- Poink and his RC K.I.T.T.
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- cast sings closing song1)
- Ezra “Ow!, Rasvar! That hurt!”
Download is cut off about a minute early, so real last words might have been different
episodes/episode_236.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by