Table of Contents
Episode: 172
Airdate: Jun 15, 2003 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Father's day
- Michel Mephit
Show Highlights
- We have a Rasvar moment to start the show
- The Fattest Bastard
- As Raini is getting further into her pregnancy, breast feeding is discussed… with a suggestion for “spits or swallows”
- Mutt wants to be one of those people who don't watch the show anymore
- Mutt announces “Brother Bear”
- Adric calls in and talks about work.. and silk flowers in a front yard
- Movie talk: The incredible Hulk… a.k.a. “angry pants”
- What makes a “special edition book”? A “deleted scenes” section? A menu?
- Name that toon
- Pawpet country section
- Crappy Doo calls in from Huston
Fattest Bastard
Name | weight (lbs) |
JackRabbit | 195 |
Harik | 153 |
Kuddlepup | 231 |
Jess | |
Simba | |
Raini | 110.5 |
Herbie | 235 |
Yappy Fox | 193 |
Bandit | 11 |
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Rejected fathers day cards
- Caption: Burt Reynolds hitting a monkey puppet
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Little Willy - Bad Cheese Studios
- Brother Bear trailer
- Deathstar explosion (with the pointless ring)
- Pawpet Music Video: Free Fallin - Pawpets DC
- MTV movie awards: best virtual performance
- Pawpet Music Video: Goldeneye - PawPets SouthWest
- Fluff and Such: AC video “Go to my con deamon” (preview version, missing Hardley bear)
- Pawpet Music Video: Sukiyaki - Pawpets DC
- What the F..k! - baby humping a doll
- Fluff and Such: AC video “Go to my con deamon” (preview version, missing Hardley bear)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Music
verify “Cher, Do you believe” for about 1 second
- Ezra “Well that was unnecessary…”
- Poink “It's not my kid!”
episodes/episode_172.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by