Basic Info

Name: NachtWolf – Sex: Yes Plz j/k Male – State: Pa – Country: USA

Little About The Name

NachtWolf with Nacht meaning Night in German and Wolf well I'm a Wolf! :) Now i know what your about to say well hes name is German he must be too! Sadly no I'm not German I pick the name for one reason the way it sounded and I love the Night

About Me (a little More)

I'm a little Wolf living in Pa. I am a North American Gray Wolf (ATM Not Done with coloring) I like to lay around with my friends A.K.A my Husky. I might be a wolf but i love technology (Geeky Wolf) not really tho but i know my way around. Currently attending EIT For Networking and Database. I'm planing on going to AC for the 1st time in 2010 I do not have a suit ATM but there is one in the works :)

Talk To ME

AIM: NachtWolf88 Skype: NachtWolf881 Twitter: NachtWolf88 YouTube: MSN: GoogleTalk: NachtWolf88 Myspace: Furaffinity: